TN 93 (08-23)
An adjudicator or employee of a Foreign Service Post (FSP) must base opinions on relevant observations of the circumstances surrounding the claim. Relevant observations include the following factors.
Who is providing the information or evidence?
What is the person's relationship to the claimant?
Is the person cooperative?
Does the person have any known or apparent prejudice or bias in the matter?
Is anyone else present? If yes, who? What is their relationship to the claimant? What influence, if any, do they appear to exert?
You must avoid positive or negative bias when forming and recording your opinion. Do not base your opinion on irrelevant factors, such as social or economic standing.
Record your opinion on a separate report of contact or on the (Report of Contact) RPOC screen. Include all of the factors that you considered in forming your opinion. Document your opinion to benefit others who may subsequently handle the case.