TN 9 (06-24)

GN 00312.098 Democratic Republic of the Congo – Vital Statistics Records

A. Introduction to vital statistics records in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has no single, nationwide repository of civil registration records. Records are held at civil registration offices at the local level.

B. Procedure for requesting birth, marriage, divorce, and death records

1. Office to contact

For birth, marriage, and death records, contact the office of the mayor in the town where the event took place. Address requests to the Civil Registry Officer (Officier de l'Etat Civil).

Officier de l'Etat Civil

Mairie de (Town)


(Town), Democratic Republic of the Congo

For divorce records, contact the district court where the divorce was granted.

For the capital city of Brazzaville, contact:

Mairie Centralo de Brazzaville

“Section Etat Civil Communal”

Boite Postale numero 73

Brazzaville, Rep. of the Congo


Officials usually do not respond to mail requests.

For French individuals born in the Republic of the Congo before September 15, 1960 (before independence), contact:

Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres

Direction des Francais a l'Etranger

Service de l'Etat Civil

Boite Postale numero 1056

44035 Nantes Cedex


French individuals born in the Republic of the Congo after September 14, 1960 (after independence) may contact the Consulat de France at Brazzaville or Pointe-Noire, depending on the consular district in which the event occurred.

2. Fee

Varies between CFA 100 and CFA 1,000.

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GN 00312.098 - Democratic Republic of the Congo – Vital Statistics Records - 06/13/2024
Batch run: 06/13/2024