TN 2 (03-12)
When a Belgian agency requests information, prepare a diary.
Diary the initial request for 6 months.
Diary the follow-up request for 3 months.
When the U.S. Embassy in London, England requests information, diary the request for 6 months from the date the U.S. Embassy in London, England signed Form SSA-2960-USA-BE3.
Benefit Earnings Technician (BET) initiates first and second follow-up.
BET forwards third follow-up to the Deputy Module Manager. The Deputy Module Manager contacts the Foreign Service Post (FSP) for assistance.
BET forwards the fourth follow-up to the Module Manager. The Module Manager contacts the FSP Supervisor.
After the fourth follow-up, the Module Manager routes the case to the Division of International Operations Management and Program Analyst, with a cc to the Deputy Division Director, and Division Director to contact the Regional Federal Benefits Officer (RFBO) for assistance.