The worker must have a minimum reduction in capacity for work of 50 percent as a result
of a disability expected to last six months, and not be entitled to a retirement pension.
Workers not yet age 50 on January 1, 2014 may receive disability benefits only if
permanently disabled.
Workers age 50 prior to 2014 may receive disability benefits subject to periodic review.
In addition, to qualify:
Persons age 50 or over as of January 1, 2005, must be age 65 for men and age 60 for
women with at least:
15 years of contributory and certain non-contributory coverage within the last 30
years; or
15 years of contributory coverage and a total of 25 years of contributory and certain
non-contributory coverage.
Persons not yet age 50 as of January 1, 2005 with at least one contributory or certain
non-contributory month on that date must be age 65 for men and age 60 for women, and
the more favorable of the above requirements applies.
Persons not yet age 50 as of January 1, 2005 without contributory or non-contributory
coverage on that date must be age 65 for men and age 60 for women, with at least:
15 years of contributory and certain non-contributory coverage, including seven years
of contributory coverage.
The disabled worker must have:
Five years of contributory or certain non-contributory coverage (plus one month for
each month after age 50) in the last 10 years (plus two months for each month after
age 50). The maximum qualifying period is 15 years of contributory or certain non-contributory
coverage within the last 30 years.
NOTE: The qualifying period is not required if disability occurs on the grounds of an employment
accident or an occupational disease or before age 27 if the worker has six contributory
or certain non-contributory months