Basic (03-19)

GN 01757.125 Application Process for Benefits under the Agreement with Brazil

Under the agreement with Brazil, we accept applications for both regular and totalization benefits on behalf of Brazil. We provide limited assistance to obtain evidence we need to support the claim. See GN 01757.210 for the types of evidence needed to support the claim.

A. Using evidence submitted in claims for Brazilian benefits

Brazil uses evidence to establish factors of entitlement for U.S. Social Security benefits to establish the same factors for Brazilian benefits.

B. Minimum coverage requirement for Brazilian benefits

To meet the requirements to establish entitlement to Brazilian old-age, disability, or survivor benefits under the agreement, Brazil credits three months of coverage for each quarter of coverage we certify. For more information about eligibility requirements for Brazilian benefits, see GN 01757.020.

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GN 01757.125 - Application Process for Benefits under the Agreement with Brazil - 03/08/2019
Batch run: 03/08/2019