TN 86 (12-24)

GN 02210.219 Request for explanation of overpayment, reconsideration or waiver - dcr/ds actions

A. Procedure

1. General

DCR - If during a telephone contact a representative payee of record or another person questions why they are being billed for a debt, make every effort to explain the overpayment. If a payee questions their liability, refer the matter to the DS.

DS - Obtain, (through the FO, if appropriate) the name, address and telephone number (if possible) of the person actually overpaid and liable for refund.

If the person has been billed properly, phone the person to resolve the matter.

If they had improperly been asked to refund another person's overpayment:

  • Contact the person to apologize for the incorrect billing.

  • Correct ROAR/SSR to show the person having liability.

  • Refer the debtor's name and most recent address and telephone number to the DCR for preparation and release of a Basic bill for any balance due.

2. Explanation request

DCR - Make every effort to provide a satisfactory response using the MBR/SSR record. If unable to do so, proceed as follows:

a. Title II debt

  • Suspend RECOOP billing.

  • Diary RECOOP for 30 days.

  • Refer to the DS.

    DS - If appropriate, call the module to obtain assistance. Otherwise, request the claims folder for resolution.

b. Title XVI debt

DS - Proceed as follows:

  • Call the FO and attempt to get an immediate answer.

  • If the information cannot be readily given over the phone refer to the FO to provide the explanation to the debtor.

  • Do not suspend billing or make any systems input until we have received a signed request. Billing should not be suspended pending receipt of the signed request.

3. Reconsideration request

DS - If the debtor wants reconsideration and the 60-day time limit has not expired or, after explaining the good cause requirement, the debtor alleges good cause, delete the debt from RECOOP control as follows:

a. Title II

Input the request to the Protest Request Screen in DMS (DRPR, MSOM DMS 006.003 ).

b. Title XVI

The SSA employee should send an administrative message to the servicing field office (FO) and tell the caller the Agency will:

  • Not stop recovery until we have received a signed request (SSA-561) or equivalent information, in writing with the individual's signature.

  • Refund any money withheld in the month the signed request is received.

Billing should not be suspended unless a signed request is received.

When the signed request is received, complete the MSSICS Overpayment Decisions (UOPD) screen by selecting APPEAL decision. (See MSOM BUSSR 004.008 .)

  • If no installment indicator (G TAC), complete the Appeal (UOAP) screen (See MSOM BUSSR 004.010 .)

  • If there is an installment indicator, complete the MSSICS Add/Change/Delete Overpayment Decisions (UODC) screen (See MSOM BUSSR 004.007 ) to change the RECOVER BY INSTALLMENTS decision (G TAC) and to post an appeal decision.

In either of the above situations, refer the request to the FO for debtor contact to develop an appeal.

4. Waiver request

If the $2,000 waiver tolerance applies, follow GN 02210.220 for title II overpayments and GN 02250.350 for title XVI overpayments. If the tolerance is not applicable:

  1. a. 

    Title II - Input the request to the DRPR and forward to the FO for appropriate development.

  2. b. 

    Title XVI -

    Tell the caller the Agency will:

    • Not stop recovery until we have received a signed request (SSA-632) or equivalent information, in writing with the individual's signature.

    • Refund any money withheld in the month the signed request is received.

Billing should not be suspended pending receipt of the signed request.

When the signed request is received, add the waiver request to the record by completing the MSSICS Waiver (UOWV) screen (see MSOM BUSSR 004.009 ) and forward to the FO.

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