Ask for refund of the overpayment, using the following steps.
Step 1- Ask that the overpayment be repaid in one lump sum.
Step 2- If the person is financially unable to refund the overpayment in one lump
sum, ask him to refund as much as possible now and to pay the rest of the overpayment
within 30 to 90 days.
Step 3- If refund cannot be made by one of the above steps, arrange for repayment
in regular monthly installments that will repay the full amount in the shortest time
possible. The debtor should complete the form SSA-632–BK (enclosed). Return one copy
of the completed form to the Social Security Administration, give one copy to the
debtor and keep the “DO” copy for your records.
In addition, have the debtor complete Section II of form SSA-632–BK (enclosed) when:
the installment amount offered does not make full refund within 36 months. OR
the amount offered is less than $10.00 a month.
All amounts on the SSA-632–BK should be shown in local currency. Tell the beneficiary
to submit within 30 days evidence to verify all income and liquid assets. Also tell
him to submit evidence to verify rent or mortgage, utilities, insurance, disproportionately
large expenses, and expenses which are above normal for the area.