The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) generates Form FMS-1133 when the Social
Security Administration (SSA) inputs a nonreceipt or stop payment request for Title
II or Title XVI checks. The form contains questions the beneficiary, recipient or
representative payee must complete in order to assist Treasury in determining if the
check in question is forged.
If the beneficiary, recipient or representative payee does not receive the form from
Treasury, access the Payment History Update System (PHUS) for Title II or the Treasury
Status Query for Title XVI to ensure the appropriate stop code is input. If the appropriate
stop code is input the field office (FO) or program service center (PSC) may do a
one-time print of the FMS-1133 from the Treasury Check Information System (TCIS) and
send it to the beneficiary, recipient or representative payee. Since the TSC Customer
Service Representative cannot print from TCIS, they will send an MDW to the FO instructing
them to print the form from TCIS.
If the form cannot be printed, the FO and TSC should contact the Regional Office through
normal communication (vHelp); PSC personnel can contact their Operations Analysis
Staff (OAS); or contact Treasury at 855-868-0151directly.
NOTE: The form is available for print until Treasury receives the completed FMS-1133.
NOTE: An L-stop (certified photocopy request) will only produce the FMS-3858 and a copy
of the check. Additionally, Treasury will not process a photocopy of an FMS-1133 for
a non-receipt claim. For more information about an L-stop and the FMS-1133, see GN 02406.145 and GN 02406.160