Suspension is effective with the month (including any part of that month) a convicted
beneficiary begins confinement after court sentencing.
Do not input the suspension until the 31st day of continuous confinement. To determine
the 31st day of continuous confinement, count 30 consecutive days from the day the
correctional facility took custody of the beneficiary after sentencing.
EXAMPLE 1: The police arrested Kate on 12/12/2014 and held Kate in jail while awaiting trial.
The court convicted Kate on 02/27/2015 and sentenced Kate to 18 months imprisonment
on 03/28/2015. The court released Kate from jail allowing time to get Kate's affairs
in order. Kate reported to the prison on 04/05/2015.
The 31st day of continuous confinement is 05/05/2015 (04/05/2015, the day the correctional
facility took custody, plus 30 continuous days = 05/05/2015). On 05/05/2015, we retroactively
suspend Kate’s benefits effective 04/2015 and continuing.
EXAMPLE 2: The police arrested Bill on 06/15/2015. Bill could not make bail and stayed in jail
until Bill went to trial. The court convicted and sentenced Bill to 60 days in jail
on 06/28/2015. Upon sentencing, the court released Bill from jail allowing time to
get Bill's affairs in order. Bill returned to jail on 07/05/2015 and remained for
60 days.
The 31st day of continuous confinement is 08/04/2015 (07/05/2015, the day the correctional
facility took custody, plus 30 continuous days = 08/04/2015).
On 08/04/2015, we retroactively suspended Bill's benefits effective 07/2015.