The following disclosures are provided by regulation or policy and do not require a determination by the FOI Officer. These disclosures may be made by any
SSA employee who is authorized to do so within his/her organizational component.
Disclosures authorized by Regulations No. 1 and 2 (20 CFR Parts 401 and 402).
Disclosures from PA systems of records for which a routine use has been published
or for which consent of the individual has been given.
Disclosures authorized by regulations of other agencies when they apply to the records
in question.
Disclosures authorized by any official instructional vehicle of SSA such as the POMS.
Materials described in the Indexes of Administrative Staff Manuals and Instructions
(SSA Pub. No. 65-004), unless otherwise noted.
Regulations or other materials published in the Federal
Register or materials offered for sale through the U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questionable disclosures should be forwarded to the appropriate PA/FOI coordinator.
In turn, the coordinator should forward any unresolved requests to the FOI Officer
or PA Officer for determination.
Requests for materials which are normally prepared for public distribution, such as
press releases, fact sheets, information brochures or speeches, are not considered
FOIA requests and may be provided by any SSA employee authorized to release such information.