Nonpersonal information, such as staff manuals and instructions, are subject to the
FOIA fee schedule. Under that schedule, we generally charge only the standard cost
for duplication of material. Except for furnishing copies of staff manuals and instructions
material available in local offices, all other requests for nonpersonal information
should be referred to the FOIA officer in CO.
Requests for 75 or fewer photocopied pages will be filled without charge if there
are no other materials requested (see GN 03311.005G for fee waiver).
Requests for more than 75 photocopied pages will be sent via Form SSA-1723 (Requisition
and Receipt for Technical Materials and Instructions) (see Exhibit 1) to:
Office of Public Inquiries
6401 Security Blvd.
Windsor Park Bldg.
Baltimore, Maryland 21235
This procedure applies even to offices which have the staff manuals requested. It
is designed to preclude local offices from spending large amounts of time photocopying.
(See GN 03360.040E for instructions on filling out the SSA-1723). OPI will refer the request to the
appropriate component, determine the fee, and bill the requester accordingly.