How to Ask Us to Review the Fee
You, (1) spouse, the (2), or the person who decided (3) case can ask us to review
the amount of the fee we say the (4) can charge.
If you think the amount of the fee is too high, write us within 15 days from the day
you get this letter. Tell us that you disagree with the amount of the fee and give
the reasons. Send the request to this address:
Social Security Administration
Office of Appellate Operations
Attorney Fee
Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD
The (5) also has 15 days to write us if he or she thinks the amount of the fee is
too low.
If we do not hear from anyone who can ask us to review the amount of the fee, we will
assume all agree with the amount of the fee shown.
What Happens When We Review the Amount of the Fee
If we are asked to review the amount of the fee, the following things will happen.
We will tell you, (6) spouse, the (7), and the person who decided (8) case that we
are reviewing the amount of the fee.
We will make a decision about the amount of the fee.
We will write and tell you, (9) spouse, the (10), and the person who decided (11)
case if the amount of the fee changes or stays the same.
Choice 1: your
Choice 2: TEXT FILL’s (Enter recipient's name if the notice is for recipient’s representative
payee and name ends with other than -s, -x, -z)
Choice 3: TEXT FILL’ (Enter recipient's full name if letter to recipient’s representative
payee and name ends in -s, -x, or -z)
Choice 1: lawyer
Choice 2: representative
Choice 1: your
Choice 2: TEXT FILL’s (Enter the recipient’s name if the notice is for the representative
payee and recipient's name ends with other than -s, -x, or -z)
Choice 3: TEXT FILL’ (Enter the recipient’s name if the notice is for the representative
payee and recipient's name ends with -s, -x, or -z)
Choice 1: lawyer
Choice 2: representative
Choice 1: lawyer
Choice 2: representative
Choice 1: your
Choice 2: TEXT FILL’s (Enter recipient's full name if notice is for the recipient’s
payee and the name ends with other than -s, -x, or -z)
Choice 3: TEXT FILL’ (Enter recipient's name if notice is for recipient’s representative
payee and the name ends in -s, -x, or -z)
Choice 1: lawyer
Choice 2: representative
Choice 1: your
Choice 2: TEXT FILL’s (Enter the recipient’s name if the notice is for the representative
payee and recipient's name ends with other than -s, -x, or -z)
Choice 3: TEXT FILL’ (Enter the recipient’s name if the notice is for the representative
payee and recipient's name ends with -s, -x, or -z)
Choice 1: your
Choice 2: TEXT FILL’s (Enter the recipient's full name if letter to recipient’s payee
and name ends in other than -s, -x, or -y)
Choice 3: TEXT FILL’ (Enter recipient's full name if notice is for recipient’s representative
payee and name ends in -s, -x, or -z)
Choice 1: lawyer
Choice 2: representative
Choice 1: your
Choice 2: TEXT FILL’s (Enter the recipient’s name if the notice is for the representative
payee and recipient's name ends with other than -s, -x, or -z)
Choice 3: TEXT FILL’ (Enter the recipient’s name if the notice is for the representative
payee and recipient's name ends with -s, -x, or -z)