TN 17 (06-22)

GN 04461.025 Early Notice of Ineligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Quality Reviews

A. Introduction to early notices of ineligibility for Stewardship and Transaction Accuracy reviews

The Office of Quality Review (OQR) sends an interim SSA-93 to notify the field office (FO) when they first detect recipient ineligibility to ensure the FO takes corrective action quickly. OQR uses Evidence Portal (EP) to scan supporting evidence into the Non-Disability Repository for Evidentiary Documents (NDRED), sends the interim SSA-93 (Quality Review Feedback Report) annotated, “Interim - Early Notice of Ineligibility” to the FO and the system sends case data to the SSA-93 Quality Review website for tracking purposes. When OQR completes the quality review, they send a final SSA-93 to the FO and case data to the website if the FO needs to take additional action.

B. FO responsibility after receiving an “Early Notice of Ineligibility”

Upon receipt of an “Early Notice of Ineligibility” SSA-93 from OQR, the FO should:

  • Use the Evidence Portal (EP) to review the evidence provided by OQR. OQR names all documents scanned to NDRED “REVDOC 93” to distinguish them from FO documents. Consult specific policy instructions to determine if any exclusions or other exceptions to ineligibility apply;

  • Suspend ongoing benefits if the evidence supports this conclusion. (For due process rules see SI 02301.300.) If enough evidence exists to suspend benefits retroactively, take action considering the rules for reopening;

  • Initiate further development as needed. Notify OQR if the development might affect their findings (for example, a recipient successfully rebuts ownership of a jointly owned bank account that OQR determined made them ineligible.)

  • There is a block in the response area of the SSA-93 Quality Review website for each case called “Other” which states “Only Use If Applicable.” When the FO responds to an Early Notice of Ineligibility from OQR, they select “Other” and use the comments area to reply to OQR.

  • Once the FO takes the appropriate action, they annotate the SSA-93 Quality Review website that action is complete and the website sends an email to notify OQR. The website shows the case is complete. The Office of the Regional Commissioner monitors completion of FO actions using the SSA-93 website.

  • A copy of the SSA-93 is available on the website via a link if needed. Refer to the SSA-93 User Guide for more information.

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GN 04461.025 - Early Notice of Ineligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Quality Reviews - 06/30/2022
Batch run: 06/30/2022