Generally, accept an individual's statement about days he was present in the U.S.
if supported by documentary evidence.
Evidence of presence in the U.S. must be sufficient to establish presence at the beginning
of each period and to permit a reasonable assumption an individual remained in the
U.S. as alleged. It need not show he was in the U.S. on each day of every period.
Assume periods of residence on the SSA-21 or other statements correspond to an individual's
presence in the U.S. Do not develop for periods of presence, other than shown on the
SSA-21 or other data in file, unless information on other periods comes to SSA's attention.
If an individual shows only the month and year his presence began and ended, assume
the period of presence began on the last day of the first month of the period and
ended on the first day of the last month of the period. Do not recontact an individual
to get actual day of entrance/departure unless it is material to the computation.
NOTE: This does not eliminate need for evidence of presence in the U.S. (see C.). It only
eliminates need for recontact when this information is not needed,