Betty, DOB 7/30/31, applied for DIB and freeze in 1982; a date of onset of 3/1/82
was established. Since 3/82 was the first month of their waiting period, they are
deemed age 62 in that month and their period of disability for PIA computation purposes
was 3/1/82 to 2/28/85 (any earnings for 1983 or 1984 could not be included in a DIB
freeze computation).
Earnings for 1985 were included in a DIB freeze recomputation effective 1/ 86. Their
DIB payments terminated effective 10/86. In 1988, they again filed for DIB and a new
onset date of 11/4/88 was established. The second period of DIB payments terminated
effective 12/91.
In figuring a DIB freeze computation, two periods of DIB must be excluded: (1) 3/1/82
to 9/30/86 and (2) 11/4/88 to 11/30/91, (they are deemed age 62 for the second period
of DIB in 12/88, which is the first full month of disability since there is no new
waiting period); therefore, earnings in 1985 could not now be used (excluded base
years are 1983-1985 and 1989-1990). A nonfreeze DIB computation should be considered
(elapsed years 53-87) as well as a DIB guarantee PIA, RS 00605.035.