TN 13 (07-90)

RS 01403.001 Wage Evidence - Introduction

A. Introduction

This subchapter contains instructions and definitions regarding wage evidence and its evaluation.

B. References

1. Wage Development

See RS 01404.001 for instructions as to when to develop the wage evidence described in this subchapter.

2. Wage Correction

See RS 01405.001 for instructions as to how to correct the wage records should this be necessary.

3. Wages/Wage Exclusions

The guidelines in this subchapter are subject to the rules and guidelines in both RS 01401.001, Wages, and RS 01402.001, Wage Exclusions.

4. Earnings Disagreement/Discrepancy (ED)

The instructions in this subchapter may be used to help resolve an ED in both claims and non-claims situations, including scrambled earnings situations. See RM 03870.001.

5. Self-Employment (SE)

The instructions in this subchapter may be used to help resolve situations involving self-employment posting problems. RS 01804.001.

6. Employee-Employer Relationship

Possible development per RS 02101.010 may be needed as a precedent to development under this subchapter.

7. Coverage and Exceptions

The guidelines in this subchapter are subject to the rules and guidelines in RS 01901.000.

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RS 01403.001 - Wage Evidence - Introduction - 09/20/2012
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