TN 22 (04-01)

RS 01901.300 District of Columbia Employees


Section 210(a)(7)(D) of the Social Security Act;
Regulation No.4, Sec. 404.1021.


1. General Rule

Effective 10/1/65, services performed by employees of the District of Columbia (D.C.) and its wholly owned instrumentalities are covered under Social Security unless they are:

  • covered by a retirement system, other than the Federal Employees' Retirement System (FERS), established by a law of the U.S.; or

  • specifically excluded as in Section 2 below; or

  • excluded by some other provision of law, such as that affecting foreign students or cultural exchange visitors.

2. Specific Coverage Rules

No service performed by employees of the District of Columbia is covered prior to 10/1/65.

All D.C. employees and employees of its wholly owned instrumentalities newly hired after 9/30/87 are subject to Social Security coverage unless specifically excluded. Excluded are services performed by:

  • patients or inmates of D.C. hospitals or penal institutions;

  • student employees of D.C. hospitals other than medical and dental interns and residents in training;

  • employees serving on a temporary basis in case of fire, storm, flood or similar emergency; and

  • members of D.C. boards, committees, or councils, paid on a per diem, meeting, or other fee basis.

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RS 01901.300 - District of Columbia Employees - 06/18/2012
Batch run: 07/03/2014