If both the NH and auxiliary are workers, withhold the excess earnings of the NH from
the total family benefit that includes the benefits of the working auxiliary. Therefore,
suspensions or deductions apply to the total family until the NH's excess is withheld.
Withhold the working auxiliary's excess earnings from any remaining benefits (if any)
due only the working auxiliary.
EXAMPLE: The NH is entitled to a retirement insurance benefit (RIB) of $346, and their spouse
is entitled to a spouse's benefit of $173. The NH had excess earnings of $2,076. Their
spouse had excess earnings of $865.
The NH's earnings are charged against the total monthly family benefit of $519 ($346
plus $173) so neither the NH nor their spouse receive payments for January through
April (4 x $519 = $2,076).
Charge the spouse's excess earnings against their own benefit of $173. Since charging
their benefits for January through April with the NH's excess, the charging of their
own earnings cannot begin until May; therefore, they receive no benefits for May through