Basic (09-00)

DI 11005.075 Difficult Interviewing Situations

A. Introduction

Some interviews will involve technical difficulty, personality conflicts, extreme claimant dissatisfaction, or possible conflict of interest. Even if the claimant is responsible for a tense or unpleasant interviewing situation, good public relations dictates that every effort be made to conclude the matter with tact, diplomacy, and discretion.

B. Procedure

Request assistance from the FO management staff if you find it impossible to satisfactorily continue or conclude an interview because of unusually difficult technical or other problems.

C. Reference

For dealing with difficult interviewing situations, refer to the following sections:

  • GN 00203.010B Interviewing People who are Terminally Ill

  • GN 00203.010C Interviewing People with Contagious Diseases

  • GN 00203.010D Interviewing People with behavioral problems

  • GN 00203.011 Special Interviewing Situations: Limited English Proficiency (LEP) or Language Assistance is Required

  • GN 00203.012 Special Interviewing Situations (Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Individual)

  • GN 00203.013 Interviewing People Who Act Hostile

  • GN 00203.014 Interviewing People Who may Be Victims of Abuse

  • DI 11005.070 Field Office Title II and Title XVI Disability Provisions for Claimants Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired

  • DI 11005.076 Interviewing People with a Mental Impairment(s)

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DI 11005.075 - Difficult Interviewing Situations - 09/19/2012
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