TN 49 (08-08)

DI 11010.015 Earnings Computation (EC) Earnings Record (E/R) Requests

A. Processing claims through EC

The remarks screen (DRMK) of the EC screens indicates any limitations or exceptions to processing the claim through EC. If there are no processing limitations or exceptions, double check the information provided for accuracy. It is the responsibility of the adjudicator to verify that all information is accurate. See Accurate Computations - RS 00601.005 and Adjudicative Responsibilities - GN 01010.007 for information regarding adjudicator responsibilities.

If the information is accurate and no exceptions exist, EC processes the claim. The Workload Management System (WMS) tracks the claim to the Disability Determination Services (DDS) and/or to the Processing Center (PC). See Earnings Computation Screens – Overview - MSOM MCSEC 001.001.

In regards to military pay:

  1. 1. 

    Limitations have been established not only on the amounts of Deemed Military Wages (DMW) but also on the conditions under which DMW may be granted. See When DMW Credits May/May Not Be Granted RS 01404.230B. and RS 01404.230C.

  2. 2. 

    If all requirements are met, SSA may credit the E/R with $300 per calendar quarter for each quarter in which basic pay for active duty or active duty for training was paid in the period 1957-1977 and $100 for each $300 of such basic pay paid annually 1978 on, up to a maximum annual amount of $1,200.

B. Procedure--limitations and exceptions

EC has limitations and exceptions that restrict its ability to process all claims to completion. However, even if it cannot process the claim to completion, use EC to obtain a certified E/R, used for processing an A101 or EF101- Determination of Award. See Earnings Computation Screens – Overview - MSOM MCSEC 001.001.

Use the following steps:

  1. 1. 

    Attempt to obtain an E/R from EC. By attempting to adjudicate the claim using EC first, even when an A101 is necessary, more information propagates from the Modernized Claims System (MCS) claim screens to the A101 screens, and fewer entries need to be manually entered on the A101.

  2. 2. 

    In addition, double check the information EC provides and make sure the computation is correct. See Introduction to Computation of Monthly Benefits - RS 00615.001.

  3. 3. 

    If EC does not produce a record of earnings, obtain a certified E/R through the Informational Certified Earnings Record System (ICERS). See Informational/Certified Earnings Records System – Overview - MSOM ICERS 001.001 for a discussion of ICERS.

  4. 4. 

    In some cases, you may receive a certified record of earnings from EC or ICERS which does not contain a computation. Use the Interactive Computation Facility (ICF) in conjunction with the certified earnings information to produce a Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) computation.

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DI 11010.015 - Earnings Computation (EC) Earnings Record (E/R) Requests - 06/15/2015
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