Basic (05-11)
DI 11052.040 Termination of Medicare Coverage Based on End-Stage Renal Disease
Medicare based on End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) (R-HI and R-SMI) ends with the earliest
of one of the following events:
The date of death of the beneficiary;
The last day of the 36th month following the month in which the beneficiary receives a kidney transplant,
unless on or before such last day he or she receives another transplant or begins
a new course of dialysis. For example, transplant occurred in 01/06, Medicare terminates
01/31/09. (Although coverage prior to 10/78 is limited to 12 months after the month
of the transplant, the 12 months limitation affects only transplants occurring prior
to 09/77 in light of the overlap of 12 months and 36 months coverage provision); or
The last day of the 12th month following the month in which the beneficiary terminates dialysis, unless on
or before such last day, he or she receives a transplant or begins a new course of
dialysis. For example, dialysis ends in 01/08; Medicare ends 01/31/09.
NOTE: If the beneficiary is entitled to Medicare as an aged or disabled beneficiary, see
HI 00801.248. Subsections E-G explain when we extend drug coverage for transplants in ESRD cases.
HI 00801.248, Effect of Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage on Filing for R-HI and R-SMI