Processing Chart for Title II/Title XVI Initial Claims-Related Claim At Same Or Higher
Level Of Adjudication - Common Issue Cases
Initial claim already filed on one title
Reconsideration already filed on one title
Hearing request already filed on one title
Appeals Council Request for review filed on one title
New claim filed a on other title
New claim filed on other title
New claim filed on other title
New claim or Request for Reconsideration filed on either title
If common issue exists, send the new claim to DDS to associate with the claim already
If common issue exists, send the new claim to DDS to associate with the reconsideration
already there
Call the ALJ for his/her decision regarding the common issue. If the ALJ agrees a
common issue exists, he/she will request the claims be joined.
Send the new claim or reconsideration to DDS to be processed independently of the
claim at the Appeals Council (AC) regardless of the title(s) or common issue
Notify DDS that the new claim will be adjudicated with the first claim
Claimant will receive an initial determination
Notify DDS that the new claim will be adjudicated with the first claim
Claimant will receive a reconsidered determination
If the claims are joined, send the new claim to the HO to associate with the first claim
Claimant will receive a hearing decision
If the ALJ does not join the claims, send the new claim to DDS for normal processing and an initial determination