TN 13 (10-24)

DI 22515.001 Overview of Vocational Evidence Development


Social Security Act – Sections
223(d), 1614(a), and 1631(e);

A. What is vocational evidence

Evidence is anything the claimant or anyone else submits or that we obtain that is relevant to the individual's disability claim. Vocational evidence is any information about an individual's vocational factors (age, education, and past relevant work experience) and the functional demands of any past relevant work or occupational training. For a complete definition of evidence, see DI 22505.001.

We use vocational evidence to determine whether:

  • Work is past relevant work, see DI 25015.005,

  • The evidence about a claimant’s vocational factors is sufficient. For age, see DI 25015.005, for education, see DI 25015.010), and work experience, see DI 25015.015,

  • The evidence is sufficient to make a step 4 finding, see DI 25005.005C,

  • The evidence is insufficient or if the expedited vocational assessment at steps 4 and 5 of sequential evaluation applies, see DI 25005.005,

  • Borderline age policy applies, see DI 25015.006),

  • A medical-vocational profile applies, see DI 25010.001, and

  • The claimant retains the ability to adjust to other work (step 5), see DI 25025.001.

B. Sources of vocational evidence during development

The following are examples of potential sources of vocational evidence:

1. The claimant

The claimant is the preferred source of information about their:

  • Age,

  • Education, training, literacy,

  • Work experience, and

  • Past work.

a. Represented claimants

When requesting vocational information from represented claimants by phone, see DI 31001.010B. For written contact see DI 31001.010C.7.

b. Special handling situations

For claims that require special handling, see DI 23007.001A.

For information explaining who to contact in claims requiring special handling in failure to cooperate-insufficient evidence situations, see DI 23007.005B.

2. Prior filings

A prior filing may have sufficient vocational evidence for a determination. Check all prior filings for relevant vocational evidence. Copy all relevant vocational evidence to the current folder.

For prior folder evidence development requirements, see DI 20505.010.

3. The SSA-3367 (Disability Report – Field Office)

The information on the paper or EDCS SSA-3367 form alerts the DDS or OHO to factors that could affect entitlement and guide case development. The form entries include:

  • Current filing including the potential onset date (POD),

  • Work that may meet the requirements for an unsuccessful work attempt (UWA).

  • The date the claimant last met insured status for title II disability insurance benefit (DIB).

  • The end of the prescribed period for title II disabled widow or widower benefit (DWB).

  • The date the claimant attained age 22 title II childhood disability benefit (CDB).

  • Work before or after the alleged onset date (AOD),

  • Non-blind and blind date last insured (DLI), if applicable,

  • Prior filings,

  • Presumptive disability and presumptive blindness (Title XVI only), and

  • Interviewer observations.

4. The SSA-3368-BK (Disability Report – Adult)

The SSA-3368-BK contains the following vocational information:

  • Work experience, and

  • Education, literacy, and training.

5. The SSA-3369-BK (Work History Report)

Use the SSA-3369-BK to gather additional information about the claimant's work experience when the SSA-3368-BK and prior filings do not provide sufficient evidence for evaluation of the claimant's complete work history. For additional information on options to document the claimant’s work history, see DI 22515.003.

6. Medical and Non-medical sources

When reviewing medical evidence, consultative examination reports, special education records, and information from other non-medical sources, be alert for information about work activity.

For additional information about medical and non-medical sources, see DI 22505.001A5.

7. Queries as a source of vocational evidence

The claimant is the best source of information about their past work.  However, if the claimant is having difficulty providing information a Detail Earnings Query (DEQY), Summary Earnings Query (SEQY), or other query may be accessed to help you resolve any questions.

Use of a query is not required, however, if a query is used, it must be added to the electronic folder (EF).

For additional information on resolving insufficient vocational evidence using a DEQY or a SEQY follow DI 22515.020B.

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