DI 25025.000 Medical-Vocational Guidelines

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
DI 25025.001 The Medical-Vocational Guidelines TN 14 03-24
DI 25025.005 Using the Medical-Vocational Guidelines TN 15 06-24
DI 25025.010 Using Rule 204.00 as a Framework for a Determination TN 14 03-24
DI 25025.015 Using a Rule as a Framework When Exertional Capacity Falls Between Two Rules TN 14 03-24
DI 25025.020 Applying the Medical-Vocational Rules When the Claimant Has Exertional and Nonexertional Limitations TN 14 03-24
DI 25025.022 Using a Medical-Vocational Rule as a Framework When the Issue of Transferable Skills is Not Material to the Determination TN 11 10-23
DI 25025.025 Vocational Factors Do Not Match a Medical-Vocational Rule TN 9 06-20
DI 25025.030 Support for a Framework “Not Disabled” Determination TN 13 01-24
DI 25025.035 Tables No. 1, 2, 3, and Rule 204.00 TN 9 06-20

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