TN 2 (10-08)

DI 26010.015 Completing Item 15 (Claimant Disabled) on the SSA-831 for Blindness Cases

A. Item 15A in Title II cases

In a statutory blindness case, enter the date the claimant became statutorily blind unless he or she has an impairment that results in an earlier date of onset. In such case, enter the earlier date, and see DI 26010.055A. for the required entry in Item 27 (Rationale)

Reminder: the EOD should not be earlier than the date first insured as explained in DI 25501.380A.2

B. Item 15A in Title XVI cases

Leave blank if statutory blindness is established. Complete Item 18 instead (see DI 26010.025B.).

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DI 26010.015 - Completing Item 15 (Claimant Disabled) on the SSA-831 for Blindness Cases - 02/16/2018
Batch run: 01/15/2019