TN 41 (07-24)

DI 26510.090 Completing SSA-831(Disability Determination and Transmittal) Signature Information, Items 30-33

To view Form SSA-831, see DI 26510.001B. 

A. Electronic completion of items 30-33

Items 30-33 “Document additional information in a Case Note in the Disability Case Processing System (DCPS), or on the Case Development Worksheet (CDW)


For electronic processing instructions, see “Electronic Case Closure” in DI 81020.130. Determination forms prepared electronically using a case processing system with approved electronic signatures do not require a “wet” signature.


B. Completing items 30-31 disability examiner signature information

Enter the following:

Item 30 - disability examiner signature

Item 31 - date disability examiner signed the determination

C. Completing items 32-33 medical or psychological consultant (MC or PC) signature information

If the case contains no medical evidence, leave items 32-33 blank.

In all other cases, enter the following:

  • Item 32 –the name and the date of the medical assessment form containing the medical evaluation (For example, “RFC dated MM-DD-YYYY”).

  • Item 32A - name of the MC or PC who signed the medical assessment form containing the medical evaluation.

  • Item 32B - the medical specialty code of the MC or PC who completed the medical assessment form containing the medical evaluation. (For medical specialty codes, see DI 24501.004.)

    NOTE: For electronic processing, the medical specialty code propagates from the disability determination services case processing system.

  • Item 33 - date the MC or PC signed the medical assessment form containing the medical evaluation.


If there are multiple medical assessment forms, the MC or PC with the overall responsibility for the medical evaluation signs the SSA-831. For policy explaining who has overall responsibility for the medical evaluation, see DI 24501.001.


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