The Office of Earnings and International Operations-Office of Disability Operations
(OEIO-ODO) and the program service centers (PSC) house the Title II paper folders
for concurrent (Title II/ Title XVI) claims. The National Records Center (NRC) houses
Title XVI paper folders. All electronic folders (EFs) are maintained in the electronic
disability collect system (EDCS).
If a continuing disability (CD) event arises that warrants development, the field
office (FO) will conduct a personal interview and transmit, or forward, the case to
the disability determination services (DDS). For electronic continuing disability
reviews (eCDR), the FO must forward any paper folder(s) associated with the case to
the DDS as well.
NOTE: The FO will not conduct a personal interview on MINE (medical improvement not expected),
or MINE-equivalent cases. For more information, see DI 28040.005.
In most concurrent (Title II/Title XVI) cases, an event that raises an issue of ability
to engage in substantial gainful activity (SGA) under one title will also raise the
same issue under the other title. When such an event occurs, the DDS receives the
case for a continuing disability determination under each title.
If DDS receives a Title II case containing an SSI2 query, but the Title XVI material
is not included, it is usually not necessary to obtain the Title XVI file. However,
the DDS may request the paper Title XVI folder if it finds that additional documents
or evidence are needed and this information may be contained in the Title XVI folder.
NOTE: Before proposing a cessation on a conversion case, the DDS should obtain the State
Welfare Agency (SWA) records, if possible. Local conditions may require regional office
guidelines on securing SWA records. For more information on conversion cases, see
DI 23525.001.
In concurrent (Title II/Title XVI) cases involving a common issue (e.g., a medical
issue), the DDS makes determinations simultaneously under both titles. Therefore,
when there is a Title II cessation, but the Title XVI CD issue is unresolved, make
all efforts to resolve the Title XVI issue so the determinations can be processed