This subchapter provides instructions that the disability determination services (DDS)
will follow when making a formal determination based on the evidence in file, or actions
necessary when it is not possible to make a "substantive" determination despite repeated
attempts to obtain the necessary evidence. The DDS uses the two Forms SSA-832 (Cessation
or Continuance of Disability or Blindness Determination and Transmittal – Title XVI)
and SSA-833 (Cessation or Continuance of Disability or Blindness Determination and
Transmittal –Title II), to record the continuance or cessation determination.
NOTE: A description of Items 13 and 35 are not in this subchapter. When there is an attachment of a rationale, enter an “X” in Item
13. For more information on rationales, see DI 28090.000. To complete Item 35, see Routing-CDR Cases in section DI 32010.000. In addition, it is no longer necessary to complete Items 18 and 19.
Follow this list of actions that are necessary in every substantive determination:
Develop a rationale and prepare the official determination;
Prepare and release to the disabled individual the notice(s) appropriate to the determination;
Generate systems input as needed;
Complete and file the official determination forms correctly; and
Route the case to its appropriate destination.