The MUGA is a radionuclide imaging procedure otherwise known as multigated blood pool
ventriculograph using, most commonly, technetium-99 sodium pertechnetate (99m/tc)
as the tracer. The use of this technique at rest and after exercise provides for an
evaluation of myocardial function and wall motion abnormalities indicative of ischemic
heart disease. Left ventricular dysfunction and ejection fraction can be estimated
from the test. When done at rest and after exercise, detection of exercise-induced
wall motion abnormalities and/or a fall or failure of rise of ejection fraction is
highly suggestive of severe heart disease. It is an improved technique because, without
invasive cardiac catheterization, some gross estimate of cardiac dysfunction can be
made by this test if there is a fall or failure to rise of ejection fraction, or exercise-induced
dyskinesia, or akinesia of the left ventricular wall.