If the Disability Determination Services (DDS) makes the disability determination,
then the PCs are responsible for processing the payment if the FO does not process
it via Modernized Claims System (MCS). Claims Authorizers (CAs), and Benefit Authorizers
(BAs) effectuate claims in the PC. The FO forwards such claims directly to the PC
module. Module addresses are available via PCOM ITEM 20 Detailed Office/Organization
Resource System (DOORS), see reference MSOM DOORS 001.001.
In addition to the SSA jurisdiction claims listed in DI 40101.010A, the PCs have final authorization for the following types of claims, which are excluded
from District Office Final Authorization (DOFA):
current awards where there is a prior claim with an appeal pending;
Survivor claims for Railroad Board (RRB) jurisdiction determination pending; and
eClaims that the FO submits to the regional office (RO) or PC for a precedent decision.