Basic (04-11)
DI 40120.020 Processing Center (PC) Actions When Childhood Disability Benefits (CDB) Claim Received
After Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) Denial Notice Released
When the parent receives notification of the denial of the disability insurance benefit
(DIB) claim before receipt of the childhood disability benefit (CDB) claim, process
the CDB claim as follows:
A. Parent filed for retirement insurance benefit (RIB) or is deceased or possible child
entitlement on other earnings record (ER)
Complete the SSA-831 (Disability Determination and Transmittal) in the usual manner.
Where the auxiliary claim was previously a disallowance with the parent’s DIB claim,
the parent is alive and is not receiving RIB, show “NAN” (No Action Necessary) in
Item 29 of the SSA-831 when the child is not disabled.
B. Parent is alive and did not file for RIB and there is no possible child entitlement
on another ER
Do not complete the SSA-831 (Disability Determination and Transmittal).
In situations where the child’s claim was previously a denial on the parent’s DIB;
indicate “NAN” on the SSA-831 and
When the notice on the child’s claim was not included with the DIB notice, route the
CDB claim via Form SSA-559 (Claims Folder/Material Transmittal) to an authorizer to
prepare a CDB denial notice.
If the case is electronic, update the electronic case record to show “ND” (no determination).
Update the electronic case record to show “ND” for a subsequent CDB claim if the child’s
prior claim was a DIB denial after age 22 (or the end of the re-entitlement period).
If there is a prior DIB denial notice, review it for information about CDB entitlement.
If the prior notice does not address CDB issues, route the claim to an authorizer
for preparation of a new CDB denial notice.