TN 25 (03-20)
A duplicate application is an unnecessary application filed for the same benefits or same period of disability for which a previous claim has already been filed.
For duplicate applications:
adjudicate the original Supplemental Security Income (SSI) application;
mark the paper application or annotate the SSR with "duplicate application"; and
file the duplicate application in the SSI claims folder.
New Claim or Appeal Filed While a Prior Claim or Appeal is Pending Before the Appeals Council (AC) - Title II or Title XVI, DI 12045.027
Duplicate Applications, GN 00204.028
Statements and other documentation, GN 00301.285
Electronic Evidence Documentation and Retention, GN 00301.286
Filing Applications, SI 00601.010
Adjudicating title II when a title XVI application is filed, SI 00601.035