TN 66 (01-24)

SI 00604.020 Illnesses, Injuries, or Conditions (Blind or Disabled): Question 7

A. When to complete question 7

1. Child claimant

When an application is on behalf of a child, do not complete 7(a)-(d). Go directly to (e) and follow the "Go To" instructions.

2. Adult claimant

Complete (a) for all adult claimants and spouses whether or not the spouse is filing and even if the claimant is separated from their spouse. Follow the "Go To" instructions. 7(d) explores title II benefits for childhood disability if a disabled adult alleges a date of onset prior to age 22. For the requirements for eligibility for childhood disability benefits (CDB), see DI 10115.001. For adjudicating the title II aspects of the claim, see GN 00204.027.

3. Aged claimant

a. State supplementary payments

Obtain a disability or blindness determination on an aged claim when appropriate. Federally administered state supplementary payments are higher for blind claimants in California, Iowa, Massachusetts and Nevada. For information about multicategory eligibility, see SI 00501.300.

b. Medicaid eligibility

If claimants over age 65 are also blind or disabled, they may qualify for section 1619(b) benefits. For 1619(b) determinations for couples, see SI 02302.030C.6.

c. Condition for eligibility for qualified aliens

A qualified alien needs a blindness or disability determination if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • are age 65 or older;

  • allege being blind or disabled;

  • were lawfully residing in the U.S. on 8/22/1996; and

  • do not meet any other condition listed in SI 00502.100A.3 that permits SSI eligibility for qualified aliens or only meet a time-limited category in SI 00502.106.

For a full discussion of the eligibility condition for aged and non-aged qualified aliens who are blind or disabled and were lawfully residing in the U.S. on 8/22/1996, see SI 00502.142.

4. Disability onset for a sponsored alien

Consider whether the old or new version of affidavit of support applies. A sponsored alien under the new version and an alien who becomes blind or disabled after admission to the U.S., are not exempt from sponsor-to-alien deeming unless an exception applies.

For a sponsored alien under the old version who we determine is blind or disabled after lawful admission to the U.S. as a permanent resident, deeming ceases effective the month the alien’s disability begins (for more information on aliens not subject to sponsor-to-alien deeming, see SI 01320.910).

If the claimant is a sponsored alien under the old version affidavit, see SI 00502.220. For the new affidavit version of support, see SI 00502.240.

B. References

  • SI 00501.300 Multicategory Eligibility: General Information

  • DI 10110.001 Requirements for Disabled Widow(er)'s Benefits (DWB)

  • SI 00510.001 Overview of the Filing for Other Program Benefits Requirement

  • DI 11005.023 Completing the Disability Report Adult Form SSA-3368

  • DI 11005.030 Completing the SSA-3820

  • DI 11005.025 Completing the SSA-3369

  • MSOM MSSICS 008.010 Disability Data (ADIB)

  • MSOM MSSICS 008.008 Marriage Data (AMAR)

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SI 00604.020 - Illnesses, Injuries, or Conditions (Blind or Disabled): Question 7 - 01/04/2024
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