In general, to be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), an alien must be
in a qualified alien category (and meet an exception condition that permits eligibility
for qualified aliens.
For information on
Aliens who are refugees, asylees, or who are in certain humanitarian immigrant categories
can receive SSI for a maximum of 7 years depending on the date the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) granted the status. If the alien does not meet one of the exception
conditions in SI 00502.100A.3.a. through SI 00502.100A.3.d., consider eligibility under this time-limited rule.
If DHS has lawfully admitted the alien for permanent residence (LAPR) status less
than 7 years and does not meet the other alien eligibility requirements, we must consider
time-limited eligibility based on prior alien status. (For information on time-limited
eligibility aliens, see SI 00502.106.) If the alien is unable to qualify for the seven-year provision, to determine if
they qualify for the SSI Extension for Elderly and Disabled Refugees Act, see SI 00502.301.
If the claimant presents a letter from the Office of Refugee Resettlement certifying
that they are a trafficking victim, take as much information as possible on the application
and mark status as “other.” Contact your Regional Office SSI Policy Team immediately.