Per SI 00815.050A, assume that governmental medical and social service programs, which provide cash
or in-kind items, are authorized to provide such items only in order to provide a
medical or social service. Therefore, when an individual alleges receiving cash or
in-kind items from a governmental medical or social service program, develop only
for the source of the item, not its purpose. The Missouri Blind Pension Program is
administered by Family Services of Missouri, a governmental agency, and Blind Pension
is to benefit a special group of disabled individuals.
Per SI 00815.050D.1, document the file that the source of the cash is a social services program. Obtain
evidence from the individual that the source of the cash is the Missouri Blind Pension
Program (e.g., program identification card, notice, or award letter). If the individual
has no evidence available, it is not necessary to contact the agency or organization.
In these circumstances, obtain a signed statement from the individual indicating the
source and amount of payments or in-kind items.
MOHS Verification
Online Blind Pension records are available on MOHS. The case identification number
on the IPAR screen begins with “B.”
NOTE – The inquiry may be a lead as the individual's eligibility status may have changed
since a prior denial. Develop leads per SI 00601.030 – SI 00601.040.