TN 147 (07-21)
The following work-related payments are unearned income:
Certain in-kind items provided as remuneration for employment (SI 00820.010A., SI 00835.390 and INTRANETSSI 014.064 for the SSI claim system input instructions).
Money paid to a resident of a public institution when no employer/ employee relationship exists (SI 00520.010).
Tips under $20 per month.
Jury fees (i.e., fees paid for services, not expense money). (See SI 00830.100 if expense money is provided.)
Certain shelter provided to members of the Uniformed Services and their families (See SI 00820.400).
Indian fishing rights income (SI 00830.880).
NOTE: Work-related unearned income, other than in-kind items, is recorded on the SSI claim system IOTH Other Income page. See INTRANETSSI 014.064 for the input instructions.
Use documents in the individual's possession to verify the amounts of work-related payments
Document the information on the EVIDENCE screen.
Verify jury fees by contacting the court clerk or jury commissioner.
Verify other work-related payments by contacting the source of payment.
SI 00815.600 Title II wage exclusions as they relate to the SSI program, .
SI 00820.000 Earned income.
SI 00820.005 Sick Pay.
SI 00830.543 Sick Pay,