In all six states in Region V (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin),
an individual has some alienable property interest, whether it is an interest in the
actual property inherited or a beneficial interest in the estate, as of the decedent's
death. This interest would constitute income as of the date of death, and a resource
in subsequent months.
Determining the market value of an individual's interest in an estate prior to settlement
of the estate may be difficult since the property may be sold or the interest in the
estate may be expanded to cover the expenses and obligations of the estate. If the
estate has little or no debt, the heir's interest may be fairly easily determinable
at the date of death. But if the estate is heavily indebted or the amount of indebtedness
is unknown, the heir's interest may be so speculative as to render it without any
fair market value.
A contested will or dispute over heirship also would affect the value of an individual's
interest in the estate and may make it prohibitively difficult to determine the value
of the inheritance, and the case should be referred to MOS-CRSI/SSI, as noted below.
If the individual has attempted to disclaim or renounce their interest, or a portion
of that interest, or if there are any other unresolved issues that prevent you from
determining the income or resource status of an inheritance, refer the document with
any relevant information or statements for an opinion through MOS-CRSI/SSI to the
Regional Attorney's Office.