In-kind support and maintenance from within a household (inside ISM) is food and/or
shelter provided to an individual through the contributions of other household members
toward household operating expenses. Food and shelter provided by someone whose income
is considered in determinations of the individual's eligibility and payment (i.e.,
an eligible spouse or a person whose income is deemable) is not ISM from within the
When an individual who has neither ownership interest nor rental liability for the
household in which they live receives both food and shelter from within the household,
they receive ISM subject to the VTR. Food and/or shelter provided to an individual
who has ownership interest or rental liability is inside ISM, subject to the PMV rule.
Food or shelter provided by other household members' contributions to an individual
who meets the criteria for separate consumption, separate purchase of food, or earmarked
sharing is also considered ISM from within a household, subject to the PMV rule. See
SI 00835.001, SI 00835.200 ff., and SI 00835.340.