SI BOS01120.110 Certain Cash to Purchase Medical and Social Services

A. Introduction

The State of Connecticut Department of Mental Retardation uses fiscal intermediaries (FI) to purchase support services and products for certain SSI individuals. It is the responsibility of the FI to assist the family with handling the medical and social service funds. The FI signs a contract with DMR outlining the responsibilities of the FI. The contract specifically states what the funds can purchase. They can never be used for items of food, clothing or shelter. The funds are disbursed to the FI on a quarterly basis.

B. Policy

The supports purchased are considered medical and social services and are not a resource for one calendar month following the month of receipt per SI 01120.110.

C. Procedure

Document the file that the support services are purchased by the FI using funds supplied by DMR and that they are excluded from resources for one calendar month following the month of receipt based on regional policy.

DMR and the FI understand that medical and social services are not resources for one calendar month following the month of receipt. They also understand that if the funds remain in an account to which the claimant has access after the calendar month following the month of receipt, the remaining funds are resources.

D. Reference

Medical or social services as income, SI 00815.050

Medical or social services as resource, SI 01120.110


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SI BOS01120.110 - Certain Cash to Purchase Medical and Social Services - 02/13/2002
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