See SI 01140.215
Under Connecticut law it may be presumed that funds placed or contained in a conservatorship account are to be made available for the maintenance and support of the protected individual.
Under Maine law presume conserved funds are required to be made available for the support and maintenance of the protected individual. (A particular case in which prior court approval for any withdrawal of funds is alleged to be required should be carefully scrutinized for restrictions on the disposition of the funds.)
Under Massachusetts law presume funds in a conservatorship account are to be made available for the support and maintenance of the protected individual.
Under New Hampshire law it can be presumed that funds in a conservatorship account generally are required to be made available for the support and maintenance of the protected individual.
Under Rhode Island law it may be presumed that funds placed or contained in a conservatorship account are required to be made available for the support and maintenance of the protected individual.
Under Vermont law conserved funds generally are required to be made available for the support and maintenance of the protected individual, and, therefore, a presumption of availability can be made.