In Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, assume, absent evidence to the contrary,
that funds in a conservatorship account are available for the support and maintenance
of a child or legally incompetent adult. This means that these accounts are countable
resources for SSI purposes.
If any evidence raises a question about how to treat the account, contact the SSI
Programs and Systems Team at the Seattle Regional Office. Evidence to the contrary
could be a statement from the court denying a petition for release of funds from the
account for care and maintenance. If a guardian alleges that a court has already denied
a request for release of funds for support of the owner, ask for evidence of that
In Washington, a court order is required for release of funds from a conservatorship
account. However, this requirement does not alter the assumption that such funds are
available for the support and maintenance of the minor or incapacitated person.
NOTE: For information about Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) payments to minors in
foster care that are held in a “trust account,” see SI SEA00830.510E.