Follow this procedure to determine which months are affected by the period of ineligibility.
Based on when the transfer occurred and the number of months in the period of ineligibility,
the months affected can be:
Example 1: All Past Months During a redetermination for Mr. Howard conducted on 7/2/00, it is learned that he
transferred a resource on 12/22/99 that results in a period of ineligibility of 5
months. The period of ineligibility begins as of 1/00 (the month after the transfer)
and continues through 5/00.
Example 2: Past and Future Months During a redetermination for Mr. Fine conducted on 7/2/00, it is learned that he
transferred a resource on 12/22/99 that results in a period of ineligibility of 16
months. The period of ineligibility begins as of 1/00 (the month after the transfer)
and continues through 4/01.
Example 3: All Future Months Mr. Johnson who is eligible for SSI comes into the field office on 7/12/00 to report
that he inherited stocks on 7/3/00 and gave them to his daughter on 7/5/00. The value
of the stocks results in a period of ineligibility of 4 months. The period of ineligibility
begins in 8/00 (the month after the transfer) and continues through 11/00. Mr. Johnson
would be eligible again for SSI in 12/00.