The following sections explain the treatment of income and resources belonging to
individuals other than the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claimant or recipient
participating in the SSI program. The Social Security Act requires that the income
and resources of individuals other than eligible individuals and eligible spouses
be included, when determining an individual's eligibility for SSI and the amount of
their payment.
The deeming provisions recognize some measure of family responsibility as they apply
from spouse-to-spouse or parent-to-child. We deem (i.e., consider another person’s)
income instead of determining the amount of support and maintenance furnished in cash
or in-kind by a deemor. We deem instead of applying the value of the one-third reduction
(VTR), when the individual:
Resides in the household of another (i.e., the deemor's household); and
Receives support and maintenance in-kind.
However, when the source of In-Kind Support and Maintenance (ISM) is other than the
deemor, there are instances when both deeming of income and the VTR can apply. For
more information on the one-third reduction provision and deeming, see SI 00835.210.
Since the SSI program began in January 1974, there have been several changes in the
deeming provisions. While the intent of deeming has always been to consider the income
and resources of a spouse, parent, or essential person (and later, the sponsor of
a noncitizen) available to meet the recipient's needs, the method of determining the
amount of deemed income has changed.