TN 12 (09-04)

SI 01320.195 Deeming – Interest or Dividend Income


20 CFR 416.1161(a), (b), (c), (d)


Interest or dividends earned on certain types of resources received by an ineligible spouse or parent are excluded from deeming. See SI 00830.500 for instructions on applying the interest or dividend income exclusion. In addition, such income is not used in determining the amount of the allocation for an ineligible child or an eligible alien (sponsored by an ineligible spouse or parent). This exclusion does not apply to interest or dividends received by an essential person or a sponsor of an alien.

Dividends and interest earned on pension funds owned by an ineligible parent or parent’s spouse is excluded from income. See SI 00830.500.

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SI 01320.195 - Deeming – Interest or Dividend Income - 10/01/2004
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