NOTE: For purposes of OS C, “throughout a month” does not mean the applicant/recipient must lack adequate cooking/food storage facilities from
the very first moment of the month. They need only lack them from some time on the
first day of the month.
If eligibility is based on temporary loss or non-functioning of an appliance, the
individual should be advised of their responsibility to report immediately when the
temporary condition has ceased. If the individual provides an expected date when the
appliance will be replaced/repaired, diary the case for re-contact.
Eligibility for this supplementary payment ceases the month following the month in
which meals are provided or adequate cooking and food storage facilities are available.
For a couple, comprised of an aged/disabled individual and a blind individual, whose
living arrangement lacks adequate cooking and storage facilities, the couple is to
receive the SSI/SSP level for a blind/aged or disabled couple plus the restaurant
meals allowance for the disabled member of the couple. Force payment in this living
arrangement is required.