During the RZ process, the interviewer must explore potential eligibility for all
classes of Title II entitlement on the recipient's SSN and the records of others.
If the recipient is potentially eligible for Title II benefits or a higher Title II
benefit than they are currently receiving, e.g., spouse's, survivor’s, or childhood disability
benefits, the interviewer must explain the filing for other benefit requirements in
SI 00510.001 - SI 00510.030 and ask the recipient if theywish to file. If the recipient wishes to file for Title
II see GN 00204.027 and SI 00601.035 for determining whether or not an open Title II application exists. If the Title
II application resulting from the filing of the Title XVI application was properly
adjudicated and the recipient is potentially entitled to Title II during the RZ process, the RZ serves to protect the Title II filing date. See GN 00204.015 for determining the filing date based on a RZ. Also, see GN 00204.012 for closing out the protective filing.
NOTE: If the individual files a Title II application, the claims adjudicator must review
all protective filing documentation and make a filing date determination per GN 00204.007.
If the recipient does not wish to file for Title II benefits or files but does not
elect full retroactivity, follow the filing for other benefit procedures in SI 00501.001 - SI 00510.030. If the individual does not comply with the filing for other benefit procedures,
you must suspend SSI benefits.
If someone other than the claimant is named on the RZ and is potentially entitled
to Title II benefits, see GN 00204.015 for when the RZ serves to protect the individual's filing date or if the naming of the individual should be treated
as a lead. If the individual named is potentially eligible for SSI benefits, see SI 00601.025 for when the RZ can serve as a protective filing for SSI.