Microsoft Word software analyzes text and identifies spelling errors, passive voice,
and grammatical errors, and provides a readability grade level and score. The readability
grade level and score are based on the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level Readability Score.
1. Enable the Flesch-Kincaid feature
To enable the Flesch-Kincaid feature, take the following steps:
Check the box “Show readability statistics” under “When correcting spelling and grammar
in Word”.
Click “OK” to return to your document.
2. Check the reading level
To check the reading level and obtain readability statistics for the language in your
notice, take the following steps:
Highlight the sentence, paragraph, or document you want to check.
Resolve any grammar and spelling alerts.
Answer “no” at the dialogue prompt box, to the question, “Do you want to check the
rest of the item?”