TN 1 (05-95)

NL 00702.210 Head Commands

A. Policy

Use head commands to control your M/TEXT typing session and to process documents.

B. Procedure

On all M/TEXT screens, except the print image screen, enter head commands at the left margin on the second line (head command line) directly below the top line of the screen. It is separated from the rest of the screen by an intensified line. In the print image screen the head command line is at the bottom of the screen. Press ENTER to execute the command. The command can be either uppercase or lowercase.

C. List of head commands and functions

This chart contains a list of head commands and their functions.


+¦- +nnn Scroll nnn lines forward (+) or back (-)
ADD Ann Add nn blank lines at the beginning of a document
A Add one blank line
BOT B Display the last screen of a document
COL +nnn¦- nnn
Move the screen display to column nnn or move it nnn spaces to the right (+) or left (-)
CREATE C mem¦mem* Create a document with the name mem or memNNNN (with *)
DISPLAY Y mem Bring member mem to the screen in DISPLAY mode
EDIT E [mem] Bring member mem to the screen in EDIT mode (in PRINT mode, no parameter is permitted)
EXPLAIN E Display one after the other the model prompter screens for all subsequent models in a document
FIND F c... Find and display the character sequence c... starting with the current screen
The search argument
F c...<w>
- begins a word
- ends a word
- is a whole word
F ((with no parameters)) Find the next occurrence of the same search argument
FROM FROM ssss gggg Specify the source section (ssss)/group (gggg) for GET commands which will follow
GET GET mem Copy member (mem) into the current document after the top line displayed on the screen. The source is the current section/group or the one previously identified using the FROM command.
HELPactive .? Call the active HELP function to generate head commands from a menu
HELPpassive ? Call the passive HELP function for information about M/TEXT
JUMP J ssss gggg JUMP to another department or create a new department. JUMP to section ssss, group gggg.
LIB L  ¦c...¦#¦#c...
((With no parameters))
Request a directory: All documents in the current group.
c... All documents whose names begin with the character sequence c... in the current group
# All models in the current section
#c... All models in the current section whose names begin with the sequence#c...
L DIR[ssss[gggg]] Request directory of sections
DIR All sections and groups
DIR ssss All sections and groups starting with section ssss in alphabetical order
DIR ssss gggg All sections and groups starting with section ssss and group gggg in alphabetical order
MAP M c... List all document lines which contain the character sequence c... Return to the beginning of the document with head command TOP or to a specific line with line command TOP. The character sequence c... can be defined with word boundaries (see head command FIND).
NEW N /cold/[cnew]/ALL
N/cold/[ cnew]/[nnn]
Replace character sequence cold with cnew in ALL or in nnn subsequent member lines. Instead of /you can use another special character (backslash,.+- $ #etc.) NEW does not affect model lines. The character sequence cold can be defined with word boundaries (see head command FIND)
NEXT NEXT Bring the next document from the current department to the screen
OFF O End the M/TEXT session
PREV PREV Bring the previous document from the current department to the screen
RESUME R [mem] Switch to document named mem and back to R. You can add up to 10 documents to the RESUME function: Changing departments and the head commands EDIT, NEXT and PREV
R Delete the (#)LIB window in a document
SAVE S mem¦mem* Make a copy of the current document under the name mem or memNNNN (with *). The duplicate is created in the current group or in the department specified with a previous TO command.
SHOW SHOW Display the PF key assignments
TAB TAB tab1[tab2...] Set tabs (maximum 25). A tab can have a value of 1 through 250.
<ccc Left tab. The first character is in column ccc.
>ccc Right tab. The last character is in column ccc.
Dccc Decimal tab. The ones' places align at column ccc.
Key in a tab character (;) (one for each tab position) before text you want tabbed.
((With no parameters)) Cancel tabs
TO TO ssss gggg Specify target department for subsequent SAVE commands. Remains in effect until next TO or change of department.
TOP T Display the first line of a document.
Z Z Turn the ruler on or off in the screen display

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NL 00702.210 - Head Commands - 07/12/2013
Batch run: 03/29/2017