The development of the dictated text screens has resulted in a significant change
in the use of UTI AAA031 and TBL019. UTI AAA031 and TBL019 is used on incomplete notice
actions. UTI AAA031 and TBL019 is used with any completion codes.
The technician will input UTI AAA031 and TBL019 in the ENB at the position where he/she
wishes the dictated text to appear in the notice.
ENB Input
The dictated text appears in the notice immediately following ADJ019 and will appear
under the same caption as ADJ019.
When the MADCAP notice program encounters UTI AAA031 or TBL019, it will move to the
dictated text and begin reading with the first position. It will continue to read
until it encounters a pound sign (#) which indicates the end of the dictated text
for that particular AAA031 or TBL019.
The dictated text will always appear on the notice immediately following the UTI that
preceded AAA031 or TBL019 in the ENB.
MADCAP will follow established sequence tables. Therefore, if MADCAP moves the UTI
to a different location in the notice, the dictated text will follow that UTI to the
new location and will still appear on the notice following that UTI.
If AAA031 or TBL019 is shown immediately following the asterisk (i.e. C* AAA031*TBL019.),
the program will place the dictated text immediately after the opening UTI’s.
The technician may use multiple AAA031 or TBL019's to place dictated text at different
points in the notice.
ENB Input
The first group of dictated text will appear following ADJ019. The second group of
text will follow SUS065.
If an AAA031 or TBL019 is entered in the ENB and no text is found on the dictated
text screen, a MACADE edit message will appear.