Basic (09-15)

NL 10607.110 How Do I Organize Notice Headings?

Use headings on all Social Security notices as shown below. A third line heading is optional if none of the existing third line headings are appropriate.

1st Line Heading — Social Security Administration

2nd Line Heading — usually the program title, however, the heading "Important Information" may also be used as a second line heading when the notice content crosses program lines.




Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance

Seguro de Jubilación, Sobrevivientes e Incapacidad

Supplemental Security Income

Sequridad de Ingreso Suplementario

3rd Line Heading — usually reflects the type of notice



Notice of Award

Aviso de Beneficios

Notice of Disapproved Claim

Aviso de Reclamatión Denegada

Claim Information

Información Sobre la Reclamación

Notice of Reconsideration

Aviso de Reconsideración

Notice of Disability Cessation

Aviso de Descontinuación de Incapacidad

Important Information

Información Importante

Notice of Change in Benefits

Aviso de Cambio en Beneficios

Notice of Change in Payment

Aviso de Cambio en Pagos

Notice of Planned Action

Aviso de Acción Planeada

Overpayment Information

Aviso de Sobrepago

Notice of Continuing Disability Review

Aviso de Revisión de Continuación de Incapacidad

4th Level of Heading — Subordinate headings (subheadings, captions)

Subordinate headings (subheadings, captions) are descriptive headings used in the body of the notice. Subordinate headings help organize the notice content, break up the information into understandable segments, and draw attention to specific topics contained in the notice. It is important to ensure that your subordinate headings tell the reader what each notice section covers. Accurate subordinate headings can help the reader locate essential information. Subordinate headings should not be too long and should be shorter than the content that follows.

See NL 10609.110B and NL 10609.115B for more information about the appearance of notice headings.

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NL 10607.110 - How Do I Organize Notice Headings? - 09/29/2015
Batch run: 08/14/2017